Name and Family name: Mohammad Hatami
Position: Vice President for Research Education, Students affairs
Academic Degree: Ph.D. of Mechanical Engineering |
The duties and authorities of the Vice President for Research Education, Students affairs:
Preparation desirable conditions for commercialization and research outcomes.
Communicate and develop a relationship with associations and scientific, cultural, and research organizations
Establish and boost international cooperation in the field of research, commercialization and entrepreneurship.
Supervising the implementation of the welfare programs and non-educational and extracurricular activities of the students
Development and expansion of various sports fields in the university and providing necessary facilities for this purpose.
Supervision of the holding of conversation sessions between professors and students.
Supervising the provisions for the student’s residence and jobs.
Providing facilities for encouraging elite athletes and monitoring the holding of sports competitions.
Supervising the affairs related to the student guidance and counseling in the academic, occupational, and personal areas.
Monitoring students' cultural, political, and social activities.
Planning to propagate Islamic and revolutionary values at all academic levels.
Expanding relationships between faculty members, staff and students